It is all well and good us telling you that sending an email business newsletter is a great idea. That you should definitely do it and that it will benefit your business. But what can you actually include in an email business newsletter?

We have put together some email business newsletter ideas for you. These will hopefully encourage you to take that next step forward. To create email business newsletters for your target audience.

Traditional Business Newsletter

This will be laid out like a newspaper. It will include your business logo, a brief intro about your business and then articles. These could be images from your website and snippets of blogs with buttons and links to read the article in full. You may also choose to include a special offer too?

A traditional email business newsletter like this should be sent on a regular basis. We would recommend once a month or once a quarter. This is dependent on your business. Also how often new content is created for your website, business and brand.

Promotional Email Newsletter

This style of business newsletter would tend to focus on just one product, service or offering. It would be a time sensitive business newsletter that would be likely to include a special offer, with a discount code and an expiry date.

You would include some of the details in a promotional email newsletter and then link through to your landing page. This email newsletter would not be scheduled to be sent regularly. We would not recommend more than one a month as it can get repetitive.

Event Business Newsletter

This would include details of an event that you would like to tell the receiver to attend. This could be an open day at your networking group, a seminar or workshop you are running. Even an event when you are presenting.

We are on the committee for the Peterborough Sports Club Lunch and Peterborough SportsAid. We will often include details about that in our newsletters. Along with a link to where the reader can book their space at the event.

These are the three main types of email business newsletters. Of course there are many more, which all come with their own ideas too. If you are struggling with email business newsletters and need a hand then please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help.