Utility Warehouse is a network marketing group; and actually a very successful network marketing group for many people who are earning money, getting cars and winning holidays with it. But some network marketers for Utility Warehouse have not got a background in marketing and digital marketing so we thought we would come up with the following blog post ideas to help them whet their whistles and use our blog post ideas or come up with their own similar blog posts;
If you are looking for blog post topics for your business or industry then let us know; we would be more than happy to help!
Top Tips For Saving Money In Your Home
List top tips such as not leaving electrical items on standby, closing curtains to keep in warmth, energy saving light bulbs (and that you offer them) and that you can make sure they pay the least on their home bills.
Money Saving Case Studies
Use a real customer as an example, starting with where / how you met (especially if it was a referral), talk about what they were paying and how much you saved them and then get the customer to put a testimonial at the end talking about your service, the money they have saved and what they are going to spend it on.
What Happens In A Utility Warehouse Client Meeting?
This is your chance to confirm you aren’t a pushy salesperson; explain you meet at their home or for a coffee in a cafe and discuss the bills and how much you have saved others, then you will find them the best deal on their household bills; adding again that there is no pressure but if they do choose to switch you can do the hard work for them.
Would You Like To Work For Utility Warehouse?
Explain the ideas behind network marketing, why it works for you and how it could work for them; confirm the hours they could work, where they could work and the fact it could be a part time job alongside their full time employment.
The Benefits of Working for Utility Warehouse
Similar to the last idea; explain the ideas of networking marketing and all the benefits of doing so including the car, monetary benefits, training, win holidays, work your own hours, use alongside existing employment, residual income and so on.