Each month we share blog post topics and blog post ideas for a different industry or type of company to help businesses in that industry and also to show we can help you brainstorm blog post ideas whatever your business or industry.

This month we have put together some blog post topic ideas for printers, so if you know any printing businesses or businesses that offer printing services then please feel free to share this blog post with them;

What To Include On Your Business Card

If you are targeting start-ups, smaller and new businesses this can be a really good blog post as often people do not know what to include on their business cards and they can have too much or too little and sometimes forget the obvious. You could then do follow up blogs on what to include on a poster, flyer, postcard and other printed products that you offer.

How To Stand Out At A Business Exhibition

Share tips and tricks to stand out at a business exhibition and without making it too salesy also include printed products that you offer such as roller banners, business cards, pens, etc. This is then the perfect blog post to share on social media with a hashtag for upcoming events, especially if you can complete last-minute orders.

Top Reasons To Work With You

This is your chance to brag about what makes you stand out from the competition and why you think your target audience should use you. This can include things like being a local business, attention to detail, offering proof reading, offering design and print, great quality products, low prices, etc – you could even include previous clients’ testimonials too!

Recent Projects / Case Studies

You have the ability to share images of the work you do so show off photos of stands you helped create at business exhibitions and talk about case studies explaining what the client wanted, what you gave them and the final result and if you take pride in being low priced then share the total cost too.

Print Trends for …

Similarly to the ‘What to include on…’ topic create a selection of blog posts that talk about the different trends for business cards (card thickness, velvet touch / gloss, emboss and shaped cards), postcards (two sided, card thickness, colours, information included) and similar. If you can share regular posts on print trends for different products not only are you showing the different products you offer but also the fact that you are up-to-date with the latest news and trends in your industry.

The Importance of Proofreading Your Print

This can be more of a tongue in cheek post where you share images of printed things (not from you) that have not been proof read to help explain the importance of proof reading before it goes to print. Maybe consider offering a proof reading service too for a small additional charge?

These are just some blog topic ideas that we have come up with but of course there are many, many more. If you would like help to come up with more blog post ideas or you would like us to write your business blog posts for you then please feel free to contact us directly; we would be only too happy to help.