Each month we come up with a selection of blog topics and blog post ideas for different industries, completely free of charge. We do this for two reasons; firstly to help businesses in that industry with blog post ideas they can use for free, and secondly to show we really can come up with blog post topic ideas for any business – even yours!

If you know a business in the health, fitness and beauty industry then please share these 10 blog post ideas with them.

1.Quick Christmas Beauty Tips

These are top tips and quick fixes for that perfect Christmas Party look; this blog post could include miracle products, amazing beauty tricks and unusual make-up styles that quickly create the perfect look for your reader this Christmas.

2.10 Minute Daily Exercises To… 

This could be a selection of blog posts that can help with different areas of the body such as “ten minute exercises to tone your tummy”, to banish your back fat, to sculpt your six pack and so on; the blog post would share different exercises that can be done each day and will work on target areas.

3.Happy Mind, Happy Body

Talk through the idea of well-being and how having a happy mind and being mindful will allow you to create the body you dream of as you will be more focused and motivated with your mind free of stress and worry.

4.Vision Your Health, Fitness & Body

Use this blog post to explain the idea of vision boards, how they can be used to help your reader achieve the level of fitness, health and beauty that they dream of. Talk about the making of the vision board and how it should be used going forward.

5.Quick and Healthy Winter Warmers

Use this blog post as a seasonal post, talk about the colder and darker nights and how stodgier meals are often preferred before going on to share quick and healthy meals that will warm the cockles of your reader during these winter months.

6.Exercise Tips For Christmas

In this blog post relate and engage with the reader, talk about how it can be hard to find time to exercise and how it can be easier to eat more food. Suggest times and ways that exercise can still be squeezed into a busy Christmas schedule, even with shorter hours of light – such as family walk after Christmas Dinner, etc.

7.Setting SMART  New Years Goals

Explain what smart goals (S-M-A-R-T) are and how this can be used when setting those New Year’s resolutions for a healthier and fitter you for 2019. Also give examples of goals that are smart and not smart so the reader can clearly understand the difference.

8.Couch To 10k – The New Runners Project

Share the idea behind Couch to 10k in the blog post, explain how to works and why it is really good for those that have not tried running before, back it up with evidence of the improvements to health and stamina that can be made through the Couch to 10k.

9.Weirdest Celebrity Beauty Tips

Use this blog post to talk about some of the strangest beauty regimes and tips that celebrities have been reported trying and using; the weirder and wackier the better. There are loads all over Google to talk about, just choose your favourites!

10.How Does The … Diet Work?

This would be a number of blog posts talking about various diets, how they work, the idea behind them, what can / can’t be eaten and the pros and cons of the diets. You could have one blog post per diet – for example, the baby food diet, the Atkins diet, the onion soup diet and so on.