You know those questions that your customers and potential customers always ask you? These are your frequently asked questions. You might find that you are answering the same question from different customers every few days or a couple of times a month. Now, these are the people that are asking you in person. There are loads more people out there that are asking the question to Google. If they ask Google the question, will they find your business? They will if you have FAQ blog post titles.

If the title of your blog post is the frequently asked question, then you will have traffic directed to your website by Google. As a person asks the question on Google, the Google robots will hunt for an answer. If your title is the question, the Google robots will direct the person to your website. This is great for SEO. It could also lead to a client for you as you have answered the question they have. You are that helpful friend that has helped them with their question.

It’s a great idea to have an FAQ page. This can have all the standard questions, with a few shorter answers. These shorter answers can then link to a blog page with the full, more detailed answer. This will help give the reader all the answers they may want, in short. It will then give them the option to go further into your website to find out more.. You could have a link to your FAQ page in the footer of your emails. “If you have any questions, you may find the answers here”, for example.

At the base of your FAQ page you could say, we answer more frequently asked questions here. This would then link to the FAQ category of your blog posts. It’s a great way of showing yourself and your business as an expert in the industry. You know what you are doing and you’re happy to share this knowledge with others. 

That’s why FAQs are good blog post titles. They help boost your SEO and portray you as that helpful friend that really knows their stuff. If you need help creating FAQ blog post titles for your business, give us a call. We can create the blog post content for you, or help you brainstorm some FAQ blog post title ideas.