7 years ago on 23rd September, Creative Content Company began. Over the years the business has grown with more clients and our team has grown too. It is now me (Hazel), Angela, Dan, Sarah and Gary. It’s been an incredible 7 years and something we really wanted to celebrate. Due to lockdown we couldn’t have a party like we usually do. So, we had an online quiz on Tuesday 22nd September instead.
Each round was about something relevant to the business. The second round was things that happened in the year 2013. The most exciting thing for us was that Creative Content Company was founded in the year 2013. However, it turns out lots of other exciting things happened in this year too. Check out the questions below and see how many you know.
Questions – In The Year 2013
- Actor Paul Walker was killed in a car crash on Nov. 30, devastating friends, family and his millions of fans. What film was he famous for?
- In January of this year the The Church of England dropped its prohibition on gay clergy in civil partnerships becoming bishops – if they remain what?
- The HMV chain of high street music stores goes into administration, after how many years of trading (to the nearest 10)?
- Tesco, Aldi, Lidl and Iceland withdrew various beef products after the Food Safety Authority of Ireland informs them that they are contaminated with what meat?
- A skeleton thought to be that of King Richard III is discovered under a car park where?
- Baroness Thatcher died aged 87 following a stroke. How many general elections did she win?
- In May of 2013, Sir Alex Ferguson retires as manager of which football team?
- In July of 2013, who did Andy Murray defeat to become the first British man to win Wimbledon since 1936?
- The Italian parliament votes to expel former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, following his conviction for what?
- Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s ex-president died in December this year, how old was he?
How many do you think you got right? The answers can be found below, and we would love to hear how you got on. Share your results from this round on social media and link this blog too. Then you see how others got on and even challenge your friends too? Don’t forget to tag us!
Answers – In The Year 2013
- Actor Paul Walker was killed in a car crash. What film was he famous for – Fast and Furious
- Gay clergy in civil partnerships can become bishops – if they remain what – Celibate
- How many years were HMV trading – 90 years
- Beef products contaminated with what meat – Horse
- King Richard III skeleton in what car park – In Leicester
- Thatcher won how many general elections– Three
- Sir Alex Ferguson retires as manager – Manchester United
- Andy Murray became the first British man to win Wimbledon against – Novak Djokovic
- Silvio Berlusconi expelled for his conviction for – Tax fraud
- Nelson Mandela died in aged – He was aged 95.